Change in Registered office Address

You Can Now Change in Registered office Address 6,999 (All Inclusive)* Offer valid for a limited time period only.

Change in Registered Office Address process is done to pass the resolution or put the advertisement in the newspaper related to moving. The registered office of a Company/LLP is the major place of the business, then MCA (Ministry of Corporate Affairs) correspondences are sent to the prescribed company address only.


Change in Registered Office Address - An Overview

Change in Registered Office Address process is done to pass the resolution or put the advertisement in the newspaper related to moving. The registered office of a Company/LLP is the major place of the business, then MCA (Ministry of Corporate Affairs) correspondences are sent to the prescribed company address only. You can pass a notice to the Registrar within 30 days from the change of address. It helps the (MCA) of the correspondences will easily reach you. The registered office address can be only changed in the local limited area, which may within the city, village, town by simply send a notice to the concerned registrar. In case, you are preferring the registered office to change of the Address to another state, you should passed a special resolution or made an advertisement in the newspaper before notice is given to the government.

Changing office address Procedures

We will help you in the below-mentioned steps,

Step 1

If you are shifting the office to other states, we will help you to draft the resolution and inform you before you inform the government regarding the change. (These process has done in the 3 business days).

Step 2

Changing of address after 30 days should submit mandatory documents & inform the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA). (These process has done in the 4 business days).


  • Application Preparation
  • Registered Office Application Filing
  • ROC Registration fees
  • Approval Letter


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Choose the Next Level Audit to quick up process

Number of business/month

From the Next Level Audit, you can expect the work done in a small period of time. Our business audit completed the business more than 1000/month. So, you don't have any worry about that.

Customer Score

The Next Level Audit of the customer score is very high, because of the perfectly doing the paperwork, it will lead the government to easily interact with you. You can see our work visually up to date.

Strong Team

Because of our strong team, if you send your Email ID & Mobile number in the above, you can get a call from our team, throughout the process, our team will help you without any hassle.


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